Utah Locations

Ticket Resale Policy

Avoid Fraud and Ticket Resale Scam

Wiseguys does not sell tickets through any website other than wiseguyscomedy.com. This includes, but is not limited to, the following sites: Craigslist, Vivid Seats, KSL.com, Seat Geek, Cheap Tickets, Via Go Go, Tickets Mate, Score Big, Event Tickets Center, Ticket Network, Ballparks/Ticket Triangle, Click It Ticket, Team ViVi, and any site that is not WiseguysComedy.com.

Wiseguys does not recommend any third-party sites. To ensure that you are getting real tickets and not overpaying ALWAYS buy your tickets through the Wiseguys website, in person at one of our venue box offices or by calling one of our locations directly.

 Email Us With Questions

Any sort of ticket scalping is strictly prohibited by Wiseguys



We have received recent reports of ticket fraud and scams. Please know that Wiseguys cannot guarantee the validity of tickets purchased through any entity other than Wiseguys. To avoid problems with counterfeit, stolen, void or inflated tickets, purchase them directly and only from the Wiseguys Comedy website, in person at one of our venue box offices or by calling one of our locations directly.

As always, the only way you can be 100% sure your tickets are real and will get you in is to buy them from our sources. Together we can fight fraud.