Utah Locations

Wiseguys Comedy Clubs | Utah Locations

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Open MicShowroom
Open Mic
The GatewayWednesdays
Eric D’AlessandroShowroom
Eric D’Alessandro
The GatewayMar 27
Dave NihillShowroom
Dave Nihill
The GatewayMar 28-29
Che DurenaCabaret
Che Durena
The GatewayMar 28-29
Nicholas Don SmithRickles Room
Nicholas Don Smith
The GatewayMar 28
Comedy RumbleRickles Room
Comedy Rumble
The GatewaySaturdays
Mekki LeeperShowroom
Mekki Leeper
The GatewayMar 30
Mormon and the Meth-HeadShowroom
Mormon and the Meth-Head
The GatewayApr 3
Rob SchneiderShowroom
Rob Schneider
The GatewayApr 4-6
Variety ShowRickles Room
Variety Show
The GatewayApr 4
Steve SoelbergCabaret
Steve Soelberg
The GatewayApr 4-5
Matt BraungerCabaret
Matt Braunger
The GatewayApr 6
Jenny ZigrinoRickles Room
Jenny Zigrino
The GatewayApr 6
Max ManticofCabaret
Max Manticof
The GatewayApr 9
Langston KermanShowroom
Langston Kerman
The GatewayApr 10
Luis de AlbaCabaret
Luis de Alba
The GatewayApr 11
Ryan LongShowroom
Ryan Long
The GatewayApr 11-12
Leah RudickCabaret
Leah Rudick
The GatewayApr 11-12
Comedy Rumble ShowcaseRickles Room
Comedy Rumble Showcase
The GatewaySaturdays
Ali Wong: Work in ProgressShowroom
Ali Wong: Work in Progress
The GatewayApr 14-15
Scott ThompsonCabaret
Scott Thompson
The GatewayApr 15
T.J. MillerShowroom
T.J. Miller
The GatewayApr 18-19
Pablo FranciscoCabaret
Pablo Francisco
The GatewayApr 18-19
Stoner RobRickles Room
Stoner Rob
The GatewayApr 18
Marcus & Guy's 4/20th AnniversaryShowroom
Marcus & Guy's 4/20th Anniversary
The GatewayApr 20
Mick Foley: 40 Years of Foley!Showroom
Mick Foley: 40 Years of Foley!
The GatewayApr 21
Emily CatalanoShowroom
Emily Catalano
The GatewayApr 24
​Rory Scovel Showroom
​Rory Scovel
The GatewayApr 25-26
Cactus TateCabaret
Cactus Tate
The GatewayApr 25-26
Steve HofstetterShowroom
Steve Hofstetter
The GatewayApr 29-30
Perfect Person: The Dial Tone TourShowroom
Perfect Person: The Dial Tone Tour
The GatewayMay 1
Liz MieleCabaret
Liz Miele
The GatewayMay 1
Zoltan KaszasShowroom
Zoltan Kaszas
The GatewayMay 2-3
Murray SawchuckCabaret
Murray Sawchuck
The GatewayMay 2-3
Adam ChapelRickles Room
Adam Chapel
The GatewayMay 2
Todd BarryShowroom
Todd Barry
The GatewayMay 7
Sam Morril: The Errors TourShowroom
Sam Morril: The Errors Tour
The GatewayMay 9
Martin Amini Cabaret
Martin Amini
The GatewayMay 9-10
Cameron EspositoShowroom
Cameron Esposito
The GatewayMay 10
Sammy ObeidShowroom
Sammy Obeid
The GatewayMay 13
Doug StanhopeShowroom
Doug Stanhope
The GatewayMay 14
Craig ConantShowroom
Craig Conant
The GatewayMay 16-17
Ashley HesseltineCabaret
Ashley Hesseltine
The GatewayMay 16-17
Brian BatesRickles Room
Brian Bates
The GatewayMay 16-17
Dan LevyCabaret
Dan Levy
The GatewayMay 17
Comedic CodyCabaret
Comedic Cody
The GatewayMay 23-24
Jessica KirsonShowroom
Jessica Kirson
The GatewayMay 29-31
Joe MachiCabaret
Joe Machi
The GatewayMay 30-31
Jimmy PardoRickles Room
Jimmy Pardo
The GatewayMay 30
Will Pepper & Ray LauRickles Room
Will Pepper & Ray Lau
The GatewayMay 31
Tara CannistraciCabaret
Tara Cannistraci
The GatewayJun 4
Jim NortonShowroom
Jim Norton
The GatewayJun 6-7
Jesus SepulvedaRickles Room
Jesus Sepulveda
The GatewayJun 6
Nico CarneyRickles Room
Nico Carney
The GatewayJun 7
Fiona CauleyShowroom
Fiona Cauley
The GatewayJun 8
Dauood NaimyarCabaret
Dauood Naimyar
The GatewayJun 11
Adam CarollaShowroom
Adam Carolla
The GatewayJun 13-14
Dave SmithCabaret
Dave Smith
The GatewayJun 13-14
Akaash SinghShowroom
Akaash Singh
The GatewayJun 19-21
James Austin JohnsonCabaret
James Austin Johnson
The GatewayJun 20-21
Sleepover w Jordan & AlexysRickles Room
Sleepover w Jordan & Alexys
The GatewayJun 21
Craig Robinson Showroom
Craig Robinson
The GatewayJun 27-28
Shelly BellyCabaret
Shelly Belly
The GatewayJun 27-28
Tyler FischerShowroom
Tyler Fischer
The GatewayJul 5-6
Joe PeraCabaret
Joe Pera
The GatewayJul 11-12
Vir DasShowroom
Vir Das
The GatewayJul 11-12
Jordan JensenShowroom
Jordan Jensen
The GatewayJul 17-19
Alfred RoblesCabaret
Alfred Robles
The GatewayJul 18-19
Andrew DismukesCabaret
Andrew Dismukes
The GatewayJul 25-26
James “Murr” Murray: The Errors TourShowroom
James “Murr” Murray: The Errors Tour
The GatewayAug 1-2
Sam TallentCabaret
Sam Tallent
The GatewayAug 1-2
Ali Siddiq Showroom
Ali Siddiq
The GatewayAug 8-9
Steven HoShowroom
Steven Ho
The GatewayAug 14-16
Shayne SmithShowroom
Shayne Smith
The GatewayAug 21-23
Rocky Dale DavisShowroom
Rocky Dale Davis
The GatewaySep 3
Kyle KinaneShowroom
Kyle Kinane
The GatewaySep 5-6
Eric EatonCabaret
Eric Eaton
The GatewaySep 5-6
Dave AttellShowroom
Dave Attell
The GatewaySep 11-14
William MontgomeryShowroom
William Montgomery
The GatewaySep 19-20
Rosebud BakerShowroom
Rosebud Baker
The GatewaySep 26-27
Duncan TrussellShowroom
Duncan Trussell
The GatewayOct 2-4
Jason ChenyCabaret
Jason Cheny
The GatewayOct 3-4
 Noel Miller: Live Showroom
Noel Miller: Live
The GatewayOct 9-11
Casey RocketShowroom
Casey Rocket
The GatewayOct 16-18
Phil HanleyShowroom
Phil Hanley
The GatewayOct 23-25
Big Jay OakersonShowroom
Big Jay Oakerson
The GatewayNov 20-22
Chad DanielsShowroom
Chad Daniels
The GatewayDec 5-6
Salt Lake City, UT
The Showroom
@ The Gateway
190 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
(801) 532-5233
Salt Lake City, UT
The Cabaret
@ The Gateway
190 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
(801) 532-5233
Salt Lake City, UT
The Rickles Room
@ The Gateway
190 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
(801) 532-5233