Frequently Asked Questions
How can I buy tickets?
Tickets to all advertised shows may be purchased on our website: www.wiseguyscomedy.com, over the phone: 801-532-5233 or in person, provided the show you wish to attend is not yet sold out
Do I have to pay the service fees?
Yes, the service fees cover the costs assessed to us by credit card processors and ticketing service providers. The fees also cover our administrative costs so we can employ nice people who answer your phone calls, emails, and greet you at the front desk when you arrive. The fees are applied whether you buy tickets in person, over the phone, or online.
I'm buying the tickets as a gift, whose name should be on the order?
On the checkout page, put the name of the person who will be using the tickets under the Delivery Information section. Make sure the ticket holder knows to have their ID when checking in at the club.
What credit cards do you accept?
Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress and Discover cards are accepted at Wiseguys
Will you mail my tickets?
No, Wiseguys does not generate physical paper tickets. All you will need to check in for the show is your valid ID and your order confirmation number which is emailed to you once the order is completed.
I bought tickets online but never got an email confirmation?
First, check your spam/junk folder. Not there? Call or email us and we'll look up your order: wiseguys2001@gmail.com or 801-532-5233
I accidentally bought tickets to the wrong show, can I exchange them?
Yes, as long as we have tickets available for the show you wish to attend and you notify us within 24 hours of purchasing the tickets.
I can't go to the show, can I get a refund?
No, all ticket sales are final.
Can I buy and resell Wiseguys tickets?
No, if we feel you are buying our tickets with the intent to resell them, we reserve the right to cancel your ticket order with no refund.
There are several people in our group, can we all check in under the same name?
Yes, provided the ticket holder is present to redeem the tickets. Each guest of the ticket holder can check in under the name of the ticket holder.
Do I have to print the tickets? Can I show them to you on my phone?
Not necessary. We already have your name on the Will Call list. Just present your ID at the front desk and we'll check you in from there.
How do I buy a gift certificate?
You can either buy eCertificates on our website by clicking here or you can buy physical paper certificates at our club locations. They are sold in $25 increments.
How can I buy tickets to a sold out show?
Once our website indicates the show is sold out, we no longer have any tickets available for that specific show. We do not reserve any additional tickets to be sold the night of.
Can I get standby tickets?
Sometimes we are able to sell more tickets at the door the night of a show on a standby basis. Go to the club at least 60 mins before the show starts and put your name on the standby list with the front desk. If we have empty seats available at showtime, then we'll likely be able to sell more tickets to people on the standby list. No guarantees. We cannot put your name on the standby list over the phone - it's all done in person.
Can I buy tickets to a show from a third party site?
NO, don’t do it! You will end up paying 3-4x more than the face value of the tickets that are listed on our website. Plus, you will not receive important notifications if a show is canceled, rescheduled, etc if you buy tickets from a third-party like eventticketscenter.com, vividseats, stubhub, etc. Third-party sites will not issue you a refund, even if a show cancels.
Where can I find your menu?
How soon can I order food and drinks?
You may order food and drinks from our amazing servers as soon as the doors open for the show. You can order both before the show as well as during the show. Items will be brought to you at your table.
Are guests seated at tables?
Yes, each guest will be able to sit in a row that has a table (unless we're super sold out and have added extra chairs)
Do you have gluten free options?
Yes, but not many. Check out our menu in advance. Some food items can be modified to be gluten-free
Can I bring in my own food, like a birthday cake?
No, sorry. We don't allow outside food nor beverages.
Do you have a food and beverage minimum?
No, that's how nice we are but we certainly appreciate it when you do order our delicious food and drinks
Where are you located?
Wiseguys SLC is located at the south end of the Gateway Mall, near the NW corner of 400 West and 200 South in downtown Salt Lake. Wiseguys Ogden is located at 269 25th Street, just east of Roosters. Wiseguys Jordan Landing is located at 3763 W. Center Park Drive at the Jordan Landing shopping district in West Jordan near the Cinemark movie theater Wiseguys Las Vegas is located at 1511 S. Main Street in the Arts District of downtown Las Vegas, across the street from Able Baker
Where is the nearest parking for the clubs?
SLC club - The Gateway's South Garage is the closest to Wiseguys and has entrances on 400 W and 200 S. The Gateway does charge for parking and Wiseguys does not validate. You may also park on nearby surface streets. Ogden club - parking is available on 25th Street as well as on nearby adjacent streets including Grant and Lincoln. Wiseguys Ogden does not have a parking lot. Jordan Landing club - there are parking lots near the Cinemark movie theater and Ross Las Vegas club - there is a monitored parking lot right next to the club. Patrons must pay at small outdoor kiosk for their individual parking space
Which door is your main entrance for SLC club?
Wiseguys SLC has multiple exterior doors however, the main entrance (unless otherwise indicated) is through our Lounge, located next to Chedda Burger near the hanging outdoor lights. Look for the door that says The Lounge at Wiseguys.
Is there a pre-show?
No, the show itself begins at its scheduled time.
What does Door Time mean?
That's when doors open to the public for guests to enter the club, get their seats, and order food and drinks before the show starts.
Do I have to get there right at Door Time?
No, but the earlier you arrive, the better seating options you'll have.
If I'm running late, can I still get in?
Yes, as long as you have a ticket to the show, you may still enter even if it has already started.
Do you have a dress code?
No, but we do like seeing you in your fancy clothes.
How long are the shows?
Shows are generally 90 minutes in length but sometimes go longer depending on the performer(s).
How does seating work?
All seating is first come, first served. Wiseguys does not assign seats in advance.
Will you save seats for large groups?
No, we advise arriving at least 45-60 mins before the show starts so members of your group can be seated together
When should I get there to get a good seat?
We advise arriving 45-60+ mins before the show starts so you'll have multiple seating options.
When do the doors open?
Please check your ticket order confirmation for the exact door time. Doors are typically opened 60-90 minutes before the scheduled show time.
Do I have to buy a ticket to come into the Lounge?
Only if there is a show underway in the Lounge itself, then you'd need to buy a ticket. Otherwise you can come hang out in the Lounge free of charge, order food and drinks, watch TV, and socialize with friends.
Is Wiseguys open every day?
No, the club is only open when there are scheduled shows. Check our website's calendar for a complete listing of upcoming shows and times.
What is your bag policy?
No oversized bags or backpacks are allowed. All bags are subject to search upon entry. The venue has the right to refuse entry and to restrict any items at any time without prior notice.
What is the age requirement?
All Wiseguys SLC, West Jordan, and Las Vegas patrons must be aged 21+ with valid ID. We cannot admit guests under 21 per state laws, no exceptions. All Wiseguys Ogden guests must be aged 16+.
What forms of ID will you accept?
Per state laws, we can only accept current driver's licenses or state-issued IDs, military IDs, or passports. A photo of your ID is NOT valid. Expired IDs are NOT valid. We can accept temporary paper IDs issued by the Driver's License Division, as long as they're not expired.
Do I have to have my ID to get in?
Can I bring my baby?
No, sorry, we love babies but we don't allow babes in arms at any Wiseguys locations.
May cameras be used during the show for pics or videos?
No. Photography, filming, videotaping or other forms of recording without consent of the club and the artist is strictly prohibited. Guests who abuse this policy will be ejected immediately. Certain artists may also prohibit cell phones from being allowed into the show. Please check the details of your show at purchase.
Is your club wheelchair accessible?
How do I learn more about upcoming shows at Wiseguys?
Check us out on Facebook, Instagram and sign up for our weekly emails on our website: www.wiseguyscomedy.com
Can I whoop and holler during the show? Can I yell out at the comics?
Absolutely not. If you are disruptive in any way during the show, we reserve the right to remove you from the club without a ticket refund.
Can I talk to my friends during the show?
No. If you are disruptive in any way during the show, we reserve the right to remove you from the club without a ticket refund.
Can I scroll on my phone during the show?
No. If you are disruptive in any way during the show, we reserve the right to remove you from the club without a ticket refund.
Can I laugh and have a great time?
Yes please!
What's the difference between the two shows?
Bucket List is on Tuesdays at 7:30pm in The Lounge. Performers may sign up at the club the night of the show. Each performer is allowed up to 3 minutes on stage. Open Mic is on Wednesdays at 7:00pm in the main showroom. Performers must request a spot in advance by emailing: wiseguysopenmic@gmail.com. Each performer is allowed up to 3 minutes on stage. More info here: https://www.wiseguyscomedy.com/undefinedopen-mic
How long are the open mic shows?
Generally 1.5-2 hours long depending on how many people signed up
Do I have to buy open mic tickets in advance?
No, you can buy them at the front desk when you arrive
Can I rent out Wiseguys for a fundraiser, private party or event?
Yes! Wiseguys hosts numerous company parties, corporate trainings, etc. We can provide catered meals and performances by comedians for your event. Contact us at wiseguys2001@gmail.com for more info.
How do I join your awesome team?
We are always looking for experienced, talented, and passionate people to join the team. Send employment inquiries to wiseguys2001@gmail.com